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Controlling water temperature is critical for photographic processing. We make two series of valves that hold water temperature to +/- 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit, the D Series and the K Series. These valves are called water temperature control valves, mixing valves, tempering valves, thermostatic valves, etc. No matter what you call them, they are an important tool to aid in fine photographic processing. See our article A Biased Guide to Water Temperature Control in Photographic Darkrooms for more information. See below for a comparison between the D Series and the K Series.


Description and Use

Intellifaucet D Series
Accurate, low-cost computer controlled water mixing valve. Used by serious amateur and professionial photographers in home darkrooms and professional photolabs. (Two Intellifaucet D250s are used with every Kodak K-Lab Kodachrome Processing machine!)  More info...

Intellifaucet K Series
Full-featured water mixing valve in sizes up to 42 gallons per minute. Used by professional photolabs, commercial labs, photographic film and paper manufacturers.  More info...

Water Filters
High quality water filter housings and replacement cartridges. Available for cold and hot water. Used in photographic darkrooms to filter incoming water to protect sensitive emulsions. Universal filter brackets and filter wrenches also available.  More info...

Comparison between the D and K Series


D Series

K Series
Price $695 - $895 $1,095 - $3,895
Temperature Range 65F - 115F 40F - 140F Standard
34F - 180F Custom
Temperature Selection  15 pre-selected temperatures chosen in consultation with numerous photolabs 0.1 degree F increment over full range
Presets 15 1, Power-up preset, 100 deg F. Custom preset available, specify "Special - XX deg F power-up temperature" when ordering.
Flow Control None - must use external hand valve 15 - 100 %
Flow Range 250 Size: 1/4 - 5 GPM*
375 Size: 1 - 12 GPM
250 Size: 1/4 - 4.2 GPM
375 Size: 1 - 10 GPM
500 Size: 2 - 21 GPM
750 Size: 5 - 42 GPM
Display Ready light on when actual temperature is in tolerance Digital display of actual temperature and temperature, flow and time settings.
Brightness control None - must use electrical tape or equal to cover LEDs On/Off button on keypad
Manual control Must remove caps and use screwdriver to operate valves Manual control knobs
Timed shutoff None 1 minute to 4 hours
*Flows down to 1/4 GPM are now standard for the Intellifaucet D250.

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Hass Manufacturing Company
371 NY Highway 351, Averill Park, New York 12018 U.S.A.
Tel (518) 674-8151  Fax (518) 674-8157